These last few months have opened my eyes to how engrained I have been to certain mindsets and things I have simply taken for granted. As the times are changing, I am being challenged to make shifts in my thinking, beliefs and how I will make decisions moving forward.
What challenges have these last few months of experiencing the effects of Covid-19 had on you and your family?
As we look ahead to the coming months, we are facing a lot of unknowns and this can open the door to different levels of anxiety. One of those key areas for our family is the impact Covid-19 is going to have on education this year. We all experienced major changes this spring when we were required to educate our kids from home. Based on the converstaions I have had, this created frustration, relational challenges and questions of effective education.

Due to a homeschooling background in our household, the transition for us was not that difficult, but I know it created a whole new experience for most families. I want to use my experience in this area to offer support, encouragement and hope as we tackle this next school year.
Were you one of those families that felt the stress and anxiety of learning how to navigate the technology of zoom classes and online education? How well did you manage the new relational dynamics in your home? Did you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or even inadequate for the task at hand?

As a Life Coach, my heart is to come along side people and encourage them to create a strategic plan for tackling the challenges they are facing. Through the coaching partnership, our goal is to refocus your mind and emotions, to keep your eyes set on your goal and taking approriate steps that produce the positive outcomes you are seeking.
As we all head into this school year, what are your biggest concerns? What are your deepest fears? Are your kids going back to school or have you decided to educate from home through your schools’ vitual platform or a homeschool program?
If this is your first time to bring education into your home, I know first hand the level of axiety this can produce. Let me first encourage you that you can do this!! Hands down, this can be one of the most rewarding experiences you will have with your kids. I also know this can open the door to some challenges you’ve never faced before. I feel one of the biggest keys to settling the swirling emotions, the questions, the doubts and fears, is to hear how other families have succeeded and tackled the challenges you may face. I want to address those internal battles you feel, as well as the new tactical and relational dynamics of educating from home.

My kids are now in the 10th and 11th grade and I set out on my first homebased educational adventure in the first grade. Through the years our family has experienced, learning challenges, severe anxiety, dyslexia, and mutliple educational environments. I have gained a ton of resources and a community of support that I now get to share with you.
My blog this month is about letting you know that you are not alone if you are stepping into homebased education. I want to offer my experience, my network of homebased educational resources, and my passion for coaching people to positive outcomes. Together, our goal is to help you find peace, confidence and solutions for this journey.
If you are interested in getting more information about our upcoming coaching program or would like to get some feedback on your biggest concerns facing you this school year, please email me at [email protected].